Database Reference
In-Depth Information
Querying MySQL
In the previoussection, we examined the process for starting a simple Ruby program and
connecting to a MySQL server, and looked at how to disconnect from it. Let's now see
how to query a database while connected to MySQL or MariaDB with the Ruby API.
We'll do a very simple query to get a list of Avocet birds from the birds table. To do
this, we'll first create a variable to store the SELECT statement we want to execute. Then
we'll execute it with a query() call.Here's how that part of the program would look:
sql = "SELECT common_name, scientific_name
FROM birds
WHERE common_name LIKE '%Avocet%'"
rows = con . query ( sql )
rows . each do | row |
common_name = row [ 0 ]
scientific_name = row [ 1 ]
puts common_name + ' - ' + scientific_name
After the query() , you can see that we're using an each statement to go through each
of the rows of the results, storing each row in an array called row . Then we're temporar-
ily storing each element of the row array in the common_name and scientif-
ic_name variables. We're using puts to display each variable with a hyphen between
them and a newline at the end.
Sample MySQL/Ruby Program
Although it'seasier to discuss the components of a program in separate pieces, it can be
confusing to see how they come together. A complete Ruby program follows that uses the
MySQL/Ruby module. This program has a very different purpose from the snippets we
showed earlier. It will check the backup directory for backup files in accordance with our
backup policy (this task was discussed in Developing a Backup Policy ) . The program will
display to the administrator a list of backup files for the past several days. It will also store
a report of its findings in the backup_reports table in the server_admin database
in MySQL:
require 'mysql'
# create date variables
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