Database Reference
In-Depth Information
cnx = mysql . connector . connect (** config )
cur = cnx . cursor ( buffered = True )
The first line is the required line invoking Python. Next we import mysql.connector ,
the MySQL Connector/Python. We then create a hash to store the login information we
will need for connecting to MySQL. We're using theadmin_granter@localhostuser ac-
count because it has the privileges to execute the SHOW GRANTS statement and to query
the mysql database, which contains user account information. We created this user in
User Account to Grant Privileges .
The final pair of lines of the previous code snippet establishes the connection to MySQL.
The first usesthe connect() call for the MySQL Connector/Python using the values in
the config hash, loading its results into the cnx variable. The second creates a cursor
object ( cur ) to use for executing queries on the database.
Querying MySQL
Because there is no SHOW USERS statement,we'll have to query the mysql database to
select a list of user accounts from the user table. To do this, we'll first create a variable
to store the SELECT statement we want to execute. Then we'll usethe execute() call
to execute it. Here's how this part of the program would look:
sql_stmnt = ( "SELECT DISTINCT User, Host FROM mysql.db "
"WHERE Db IN('rookery','birdwatchers') "
"ORDER BY User, Host" )
cur . execute ( sql_stmnt )
So as to fit the SELECT statement on the page, we've broken it onto multiple lines. We
pass that variable to the execute() function to execute the SQL statement. We're now
ready to fetch the rows, parse the fields from the results, and display them:
for row in cur . fetchall () :
user_name = row [ 0 ]
host_address = row [ 1 ]
user_account = "'" + user_name + "'@'" + host_address + "'"
print " %s @ %s " % ( user_name , host_address )
cur . close ()
cnx . close ()
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