Database Reference
In-Depth Information
The bind_result() prepares thevariables that will be used to parse the array ele-
ments, or fields of the results. Calling on the statement handle again, a while statement
loops through the results using the fetch() function to fetch data one row at a time
from the results. Within the while statement block, we're printing the values with
HTML tags. When it's finished, we close the statement handle and the connection.
The output of this script is a line for each bird based on the search criteria in the birds
table. In this simple example, only a few of the many PHP functions for MySQL are used
to get and display data. These snippets are shown here together within a very basic web
<? php
$search_parameter = $_REQUEST[ 'birdname' ];
$host = 'localhost' ;
$user = 'public_api' ;
$pw = 'pwd_123' ;
$db = 'rookery' ;
$connect = new mysqli ($host, $user, $pw, $db);
if ( mysqli_connect_errno ()) {
printf ( "Connect failed: %s \n " , mysqli_connect_error ());
exit ();
<h3> Birds - <?php echo $search_parameter ?> </h3>
<p> Below is a list of birds in our database based on your search
criteria: </p>
<? php
$sql_stmnt = "SELECT common_name, scientific_name
FROM birds
WHERE common_name LIKE ?" ;
$sth = $connect-> prepare ($sql_stmnt);
$search_parameter = "%" . $search_parameter . "%" ;
$sth-> bind_param ( 's' , $search_parameter);
$sth-> execute ();
$sth-> bind_result ($common_name, $scientific_name);
while ($sth-> fetch ()) {
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