Database Reference
In-Depth Information
WHERE human_id = ?" ;
$sth = $dbh-> prepare ($sql_stmnt);
$sth-> execute ($membership_expiration,$human_id);
Here we're using shift twice to capture two values entered by the user and store them
in the $human_id and $membership_expiration variables. The
$sql_statement is given two placeholders. We replace those placeholders with the
two variables, in the proper order, when we execute the SQL statement through the state-
ment handle ( $sth ) using execute() .
The end result of this bit of code is to update the row related to the given $human_id in
the humans table. Because this UPDATE privilege isone to which you might not want
the public to have access, it would be best to use this program just internally from a
known IP address, and torequire a password.
A Full Example with Perl DBI
It's easier to explain thecomponents of a program step by step as I have done here, but
seeing a program in pieces can be confusing. Combinig these Perl program snippets, we'll
create a program and call it member_adjust_expiration.plx . Here's how it looks:
#!/usr/bin/perl -w use strict;
use DBI ;
my $search_parameter = shift || '' ;
my $human_id = shift || '' ;
my $membership_expiration = shift || '' ;
my $user = 'admin_members' ;
my $password = 'doc_killdeer_123' ;
my $host = 'localhost' ;
my $database = 'birdwatchers' ;
my $dbh = DBI -> connect ( "DBI:mysql:$database:$host" , $user, $password)
|| die "Could not connect to database: " . DBI -> errstr ;
if ($search_parameter && !$membership_expiration) {
my $sql_stmnt = "SELECT human_id,
CONCAT(name_first, SPACE(1), name_last) AS
FROM humans
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