Database Reference
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to end before processing the results. Putting MySQL on hold while processing each row
as shown earlier can slow down a program, especially when dealing with large amounts of
data. It's sometimes better to create a complex data structure (i.e., an array of arrays) and
then leave the data structure in memory until needed. To dothis, you'd use the
fetchall_arrayref() method. It will return the starting location in memory of the
array. Here's an example of this:
my $members = $sth-> fetchall_arrayref ();
$sth-> finish ();
foreach my $member (@$members){
my ($human_id, $full_name, $membership_expiration) = @$member;
print "$full_name ($human_id) - $membership_expiration \n" ;
$dbh-> disconnect ();
The fetchall_arrayref() fetches all of the rows, stores them in an array in
memory, and returns a reference to its location. This is stored in $members . Using a
foreach , we extract each array within the @$members array and store it in $member .
With the block of the foreach , we extract each element of the $member array and store
those values in $human_id , $full_name , and $membership_expiration . We
then display them using print .
Notice that we executed the finish() to end the statement handle and to free MySQL
resources. We could have also put disconnect() immediately after it if we didn't in-
tend to create and execute more SQL statement handles. This would have had no effect on
the foreach processing the results fetched by fetchall_arrayref() .
Updating data
In the previous examples, we saw how to select data from a table. Let's now look at an ex-
ample that updates data in a table. We'll change the $sql_statement to include an
UPDATE statement that will update the date of membership_expiration for a mem-
ber in the humans table. We can do that like this:
my ($human_id, $membership_expiration) = ( shift , shift );
$sql_stmnt = "UPDATE humans
SET membership_expiration = ?
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