Database Reference
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These field names don't have to be the same as the columns in the tables for which they
will be associated, and don't have to conform to any convention for our purposes. We'll
join the results of this SQL statement with the previous one withthe UNION , but with the
field names first. This was also covered in Chapter9 .
Having tested the SELECT statements, we're now ready to put them together to export
data to a text file. Execute the following on your server:
( SELECT 'scientific name' , 'common name' , 'family name' )
( SELECT birds . scientific_name ,
IFNULL ( common_name , '' ),
bird_families . scientific_name
FROM rookery . birds
JOIN rookery . bird_families USING ( family_id )
JOIN rookery . bird_orders USING ( order_id )
WHERE bird_orders . scientific_name = 'Charadriiformes'
ORDER BY common_name
INTO OUTFILE '/tmp/birds-list.csv'
That should have executed without any problems. Because we've already discussed the
SELECT statements in general, let's focus on the INTO OUTFILE clause in the second
SELECT statement. First notice that the path for the export file is /tmp . MySQL will gen-
erally only write to an accessible directory like this one, one in which everyone on the
server has full read and write privileges. Next notice that the subclauses are listed after the
file path and name — the opposite of LOAD DATA INFILE . The subclauses, though,
are the same.
Here we're enclosing fields with double quotes and separating them with a vertical bar.
We're using the backslash as the escape character. For the SELECT...INTO OUTFILE
statement, you have to include the ESCAPED BY subclause, because there is no default
escape character for this statement. There are two backslashes here because the first es-
capes the second; a backslash by itself is an escape character in this command. Finally,
we're terminating each line with a newline character.
Here are the first few lines of the file generated by the previous SELECT...INTO
OUTFILE statement:
"scientific name"|"common name"|"family name"
"Charadrius vociferus"|"Killdeer"|"Charadriidae"
"Charadrius montanus"|"Mountain Plover"|"Charadriidae"
"Charadrius alexandrinus"|"Snowy Plover"|"Charadriidae"
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