Database Reference
In-Depth Information
scientific_name: Strix omanensis
english_name: Omani Owl
order: Strigiformes
family: Strigidae (Owls)
It's now loading well. The scientific and common names are in the correct columns, along
with the other columns that we want. We're ready to move to the nextstep.
Selecting Imported Data
Now that wehave properly loaded the data from the Cornell data text file into the clem-
ents_list_import table, we can use the INSERT INTO...SELECT statementto
copy the data we want to the birds table. We're learning and experimenting, so let's cre-
ate a table identical to the birds table to insert the data from the clem-
ents_list_import table. Execute the following on your server:
CREATE TABLE rookery . birds_new
LIKE rookery . birds ;
Now let's select the rows we want from clements_list_import and insert them in-
to birds_new . Execute this on your server:
INSERT INTO birds_new
( scientific_name , common_name , family_id )
SELECT clements . scientific_name , english_name ,
bird_families . family_id
FROM clements_list_import AS clements
JOIN bird_families
ON bird_families . scientific_name =
SUBSTRING ( family , 1 , LOCATE ( ' (' , family ) )
WHERE change_type = 'new species' ;
In this SQL statement, we're inserting only two columns from the clem-
ents_list_import table (i.e., scientific_name and english_name ). We're
joining the clements_list_import table to the bird_families table to get the
family_id . To determine the family_id , we have to join on the name of the family.
This is included in the family column of the clements_list_import table, but it
has extra text in parentheses — common names for some of the birds in the family. So
we're usingthe SUBSTRING() and the LOCATE() functionsto get all of the text from
the start of the string until it finds a space followed by an open parenthesis, as in Stri-
gidae (Owls) . In the WHERE clause here, we're selecting any change_type that
has a value of new species .
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