Database Reference
In-Depth Information
Loading Data Basics
To load data intoMySQL or MariaDB, you need an administrative user account thathas
FILE privileges. Let's use the user account,admin_importthat we created in Chapter13 .
The LOAD DATA INFILE statementloads data from a text file. It's a versatile SQL state-
ment with several options and clauses. We'll look at them throughout this chapter. The fol-
lowing command is the minimum we would enter from the mysql client to load the data
from the Clements-Checklist-6.9-final.csv file data file from Cornell into the clem-
ents_list_import table:
LOAD DATA INFILE ' /tmp/Clements-Checklist-6.9-final.csv '
INTO TABLE rookery.clements_list_import
Notice in the SQL statement here that the file path and name are enclosed in quotes. You
can use single or double quotes. Notice alsothe FIELDS clause. In this clause, we define
the parameters of the fields, how they are identified. For the CSV file we're importing,
fields are deliminated from each other with a comma. For this, we add to the FIELDS
clause the TERMINATED BY subclause and a comma within quotes.
There are other subclauses and other clauses, but this is the least required for the LOAD
DATA INFILE statement. However, this SQL statement as we've constructed it will cause
problems and generate warning messages.
Watching for Warnings
If you ran the LOAD DATA INFILE statement inthe previous section, you may have no-
ticed many warnings. The following output shows the message generated by running that
SQL statement, and the firstfew warnings:
Query OK, 32187 rows affected, 65535 warnings (0.67 sec)
Records: 32187 Deleted: 0 Skipped: 0 Warnings: 209249
| Level | Code |
Message |
| Warning | 1366 | Incorrect integer value: 'sort 6.9' for column
'id' at row 1 |
| Warning | 1265 | Data truncated for column 'col2' at row
1 |
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