Database Reference
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OPTION privilege. As root, you will have that privilege. Let's go through the steps in-
volved in this method, using the previous example in which we want to restore the con-
servation_status table.
There is a risk in this method. If you're not precise about what privileges you grant the user account, or
if you restore data from the dump file inadvertently using the root user account instead of the limited
user account, you will overwrite all of the databases that were backed up to the dump file. So be careful.
Before you start to restore your data, delete the conservation_status table and
change some data in one of the other tables so that you can see how well this method
works. You can run something like the following from the command line, using the ad-
min_boss user account you should have created in the Chapter13 exercises:
mysql --user= admin_boss --password \
--execute "DROP TABLE rookery.conservation_status;
INSERT INTO rookery.birds (common_name,description)
VALUES('Big Bird','Large yellow bird found in New
That should delete the conservation_status table. To test our restore, we've also
added a row to the birds table, which we want to make sure has not been lost when we
do our restore. The last statement returns the bird_id for the row inserted. Log into
MySQL and verify that the conservation_status table has been deleted and use
the SELECT statement to view the row inserted into birds , where the bird_id equals
the number you were given when you executed the command. If everything looks as it
should, you're ready to proceed.
Now you need to create the limited administrative user. Enter the GRANT statementon
your server like this:
ON rookery .* TO ' admin_restore_temp '@'localhost'
IDENTIFIED BY 'its_pwd';
GRANT ALL ON rookery.conservation_status
TO ' admin_restore_temp '@'localhost';
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