Database Reference
In-Depth Information
Administrative User Accounts
Earlier, I mentioned that weneed to create three administrative accounts for Lena to use in
performing her duties as a database administrator from the localhost: admin_backup , ad-
min_restore , and admin_import . These are common administrative user accounts that you
may need to create and use. You'll use them in examples and exercises in Chapter14
(which covers backing up and restoring), and Chapter15 (importing data). In this section,
we'll create these administrative user accounts and look at the privileges needed for them,
as well as another one for granting privileges to other user accounts.
User Account for Making Backups
The admin_backup user account will beused with the mysqldump utility to make back-ups
of the rookery and birdwatchers databases. This is covered in Chapter14 . Just a
few privileges are needed to accomplish these tasks:
▪ At a minimum, it will needthe SELECT privilege to read our two databases. You
should limit an administrative account to the databases it needs to backup. In par-
ticular, you should not let it have SELECT privileges for the mysql database, be-
cause that contains user passwords.
▪ To lock the tables when making a backup,the LOCK TABLES privilege is re-
▪ If a database contains views and triggers, which we didn't cover in this topic, the
user account will needthe SHOW VIEW and TRIGGER privileges, respectively.
Based on those considerations, let's create the admin_backup@localhost user account and
give it the SELECT and LOCK TABLES privileges, but only for the rookery and bird-
watchers databases. Do that by executing the following SQL statement:
CREATE USER 'admin_backup' @ 'localhost'
IDENTIFIED BY 'its_password_123' ;
ON rookery .*
TO 'admin_backup' @ 'localhost' ;
ON birdwatchers .*
TO 'admin_backup' @ 'localhost' ;
This allows Lena to use this admin_restore account to make backups of our databases.
We created another account for restoring data, so let's give that account the privileges it
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