Database Reference
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Numeric functions are pretty easy, once you know what each does. You probably didn't
have any trouble following the sections on them in this chapter. Aggregate functions,
though, can be a little bothersome. Therefore, while some exercises in this section require
you to use numeric functions, most include aggregate functions. Some call for you to com-
bine numeric and aggregate functions. These should help you to retain what you learned in
this chapter. There aren't many exercises for this chapter, though, so it shouldn't take you
much time to complete all of them.
1. Construct a simple SELECT statement that counts the number of rows in the
birds table where the common_name contains the word Least . Execute that to
make sure you did it correctly. Next, modify that SQL statement to count the rows
in which the common_name contains the word Great . You'll do this by using
the LIKE operator in the WHERE clause.
2. In Calculating a Group of Values , we covered how to group columns for counting.
Combine the two SQL statements you constructed in the previous exercise and
make one SQL statement using GROUP BY to produce one field in the results that
shows the number of birds with a common_name containing Least and another
field that shows the number of birds that are Great .
3. In some of the examples in this chapter (see Counting Values ), we had MySQL
count the number of birds in each species and in each bird family. For this exer-
cise, you may want to refer to those examples.
Construct a SELECT statement to query the birds table, with three fields in the
results set: the name of the bird species, the number of birds in that species, and the
percentage that species represents of the total number of species. Let MySQL cal-
culate the total number of species; don't enter that value manually in the SQL
After you've successfully executed this SQL statement, modify the SQL statement
using one of the numeric functions to round to one decimal place the field that con-
tains the percentage value.
4. Do the previous exercise again, but this time create another SELECT statement
that retrieves only the total number of bird species. With the SET statement, create
a user variable to store that value taken by MySQL from the SELECT statement.
You may give any name you want for that variable.
Now change the SELECT statement you created in the previous exercise, but use
the variable you created for determining the percentage of total birds in the table.
Once you have it executed correctly, exit the mysql client and log back in.
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