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shown in the example in that same section, enter a time value for id_start us-
ing CURTIME() , but enter NULL for id_end . Then run an UPDATE statement
after each INSERT to set the time for id_end , using CURTIME() again so that
the times will be different. Wait a short amount of time between the INSERT and
the UPDATE for each row.
After you've entered several more rows to bird_identification_tests ,
construct a SELECT statement using the TIMEDIFF() function to compare the
difference in the times of id_start and id_end for each row. Be sure to put
the columns in the correct order within TIMEDIFF() so that the results do not
show negative values. Include the first name of each person in the SQL statement.
You'll need to use JOIN to do that (covered in Joining Tables ).
4. Put together another SELECT statement to get common_name from the birds
table, and the id_start and id_end columns from the birdwatchers
table. Use the TIMEDIFF() function to compare the differences in time between
the two columns containing times. When you join the two tables, remember to ad-
just the JOIN to reflect that they are in separate databases. When that's finished,
execute the SELECT statement to be sure it's constructed properly. Then add a
GROUP BY clause to group by bird_id , and wrap TIMEDIFF() in AVG() to
get the average time. Give that field an alias of Avg. Time or something simil-
ar. Run that statement to see the results. The results for the average time field
should include a number with four decimal places, all zeros (e.g., 219.0000 for
2 minutes, 19 seconds).
Next, redo the SELECT statement to convert the average time from a number
with four decimal places to the TIME format. To do this, first use the TRIM()
function with the TRAILING option and give it a string of .0000 to trim that
string from the end of the average time. Run the SELECT to see the results of that
addition. Then, wrap all of that in LPAD() to make sure there's enough zeros to
conform to this format: hhmmss . Run the SELECT statement again to see the im-
provements in the results. Both of these string functions were covered in Trim-
ming and Padding Strings .
Finally, use STR_TO_DATE() to convert the padded number (e.g., 000219 ) to
a time. Refer to Table11-2 to get the formatting codes for the hhmmss format. If
you provide only formatting codes for time elements, STR_TO_DATE() will re-
turn only time information, which is what we want for this exercise. Execute the
SELECT when you're finished to make sure it's correct. Make corrections until
you get it to work.
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