Database Reference
In-Depth Information
String functions are very necessary to developing databases in MySQL and MariaDB. You
need to know them well. To become an expert, you need to practice using them, so be sure
to complete all of the following exercises.
1. One of the most commonly used string functions is CONCAT() . Construct a
SELECT statement to query the humans table. Use the CONCAT() function to
merge together values from the name_first column with the name_last
column. Use the SPACE() function to put a space between them in the results.
Give that field an alias of Full Name — and remember to put quotes around this
alias, as it contains a space. Limit the results to four people. Execute it to be sure it
has no errors.
Add a WHERE clause to that SELECT statement. For the condition of the WHERE
clause, copy the CONCAT() you just assembled. List rows where the name is in a
set of the following names: Lexi Hollar, Michael Zabalaoui, and Rusty Johnson.
After you successfully execute the SELECT with that WHERE clause, add an
ORDER BY clause to sort the data based on the concatenated name. Do it without
using CONCAT() .
2. Construct a SELECT statement that selects, from the birds table, the com-
mon_name and the scientific_name . Use a string function to change the
scientific_name to all lowercase letters. Use the CONCAT() function to put
them into one field, with a space after the common name, followed by the scientif-
ic name in parentheses — for example, African Desert Warbler (sylvia deserti) .
Don't use the SPACE() function. Instead, put the spaces and parentheses within
single quote marks within the CONCAT() . Give the resulting field an alias of
Bird Species . Limit the results to 10 rows.
After you've successfully executed that SQL statement, modify that statement to
join in the bird_families and the bird_orders tables. The JOIN state-
ment was covered extensively in Unifying Results . Then add the scientif-
ic_name columns from both of these tables to the fields returned.
Execute this modified statement to make sure your joins are correct. When they
are, move the scientific_name columns for the two additional tables into the
CONCAT() . Using the RPAD() function, put dots after the bird species name, be-
fore the bird family and the bird order names. The results for a field will look like
Speckled Warbler (pyrrholaemus
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