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Another comparison functionis MATCH() AGAINST() , which searches for a string and
returns matching rows from the table. It even ranks the rows by relevance, but that is bey-
ond the scope of this chapter. Among the complications of MATCH() AGAINST() , it
works only on columns that have been indexed with aspecial FULLTEXT index. To test
this function, we'll first add a FULLTEXT index to the bird_sightings table, basing
it on the comments column because that's a TEXT column:
ON bird_sightings ( comments );
Now you can use MATCH() AGAINST() . It is commonlyfound in WHERE clauses as a
condition to find columns containing a given string. Text in the given string, which is de-
limited by spaces or quotes, is parsed into separate words. Small words (i.e., three charac-
ters or fewer) are generally ignored. Here is an example:
SELECT CONCAT(name_first, SPACE(1), name_last) AS Name,
common_name AS Bird,
SUBSTRING(comments, 1, 25) AS Comments
FROM birdwatchers.bird_sightings
JOIN birdwatchers.humans USING(human_id)
JOIN rookery.birds USING(bird_id)
WHERE MATCH (comments) AGAINST ('beautiful');
| Name | Bird | Comments |
| Elena Bokova | Eskimo Curlew | It was a major effort get |
| Katerina Smirnova | Eurasian Curlew | Such a beautiful bird. I |
In the WHERE clause, we're able now to match the comments column against the string
beautiful . The comments column from the birdwatchers.bird_sightings
is combined in the results with three other columns: common_name from rook-
ery.birds and name_first and name_last from birdwatchers.humans .
We're using the SUBSTRING function to limit the amount of text displayed. This cuts off
the text abruptly. You could use the CONCAT() functionto append ellipses to indicate
there is more text. You might also use the IF() functionto determine whether there is
more text before appending ellipses. There are other functions you can use for locating the
beautiful within the column so that you can display only the text around it. We'll cov-
er that kind of function later in thischapter.
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