Database Reference
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| Avocet |
| Pied |
| Red-necked |
| Andean |
| American |
That's acumbersome example, but it shows you how you can use LOCATE() in conjunc-
tion with other functions to get what you want from a string. Let's look at another ex-
Earlier in this chapter, in Trimming and Padding Strings , we had some examples in-
volving merging data from another bird-watcher group. That included usingthe TRIM()
function to remove quotes from around the scientific names of birds spotted by people in
that group. Let's use that column again, but assume that it doesn't have quotes. Instead,
the bird species is given with its bird family in this format: bird species - bird
family . For this, we can use the LOCATE() function to locate the hyphen and then the
SUBSTRING() to get the family name for the JOIN clause in thatearlier example.
Here's just the excerpt from the JOIN clause:
JOIN rookery . birds
ON ( scientific_name = SUBSTRING ( science_name , LOCATE ( ' - ' ,
science_name ) + 3 ) );
Let's pull this apart to understand it better. First, let's focus on the inner function, the
LOCATE() . The search parameter it's given is a hyphen surrounded by spaces. The sci-
ence_name column is the string to search. This function will return the position in the
string where the search parameter is found. We're adding 3 to that because the search
parameter is three characters long — in other words, LOCATE() gives us the point before
the separator and we want to get the substring after the end of the separator. So the results
of LOCATE() + 3 is given as the starting point for the SUBSTRING() function. Because
we're not specifying how many characters we want, MySQL will extract the remaining
characters. That will give us the scientific name of the bird in the table we're joining to
birds .
The POSITION() functionworks like LOCATE() , except that it takes the keyword IN
instead of a comma between the substring you're searching for and the containing string:
POSITION ( ' - ' IN science_name )
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