Database Reference
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Updating Joined Tables
If you want to use the UPDATE statementto change the data in multiple tables, or change
data in a table based on criteria from multiple tables, you can use the JOIN clause. The
syntax of the JOIN clause for UPDATE is the same as it is for SELECT . So let's go
straight to some practical examples. We'll start with the example at the end of the previ-
ous subsection.
Let's use UPDATE with LEFT JOIN to locate rows in the birds table that don't have a
value in conservation_status_id . We could update all of the rows, but let's do
only rows for one bird family, Ardeidae (i.e., Herons, Egrets, and Bitterns). First, execute
this SELECT statement to test our joins and WHERE clause:
SELECT common_name ,
FROM birds
LEFT JOIN conservation_status USING ( conservation_status_id )
JOIN bird_families USING ( family_id )
WHERE bird_families . scientific_name = 'Ardeidae' ;
If you're working from the data from the MySQL Resources site, you should have over
150 rows in the results. You'll notice that many of the rows have nothing in the com-
mon_name field. That's because there are many bird species for which there are scientific
names, but no common names. Those rows also have no value for the conserva-
tion_status_id . There are also a few rows for bird species that do have common
Let's add another row to the conservation_status , one for an unknown state. We'll
set these unknown rows to that state. Enter these two SQL statements:
INSERT INTO conservation_status (conservation_state)
| 9 |
In the first SQL statement here we entered only a value for conservation_state .
The defaults for the other columns are fine. We'll use the UPDATE statement to set the
rows for the birds in Ardeidae to this new state, so we want to know the conserva-
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