Database Reference
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Unifying Results
Let's start this chapter bylooking at a simple method of unifying results from multiple
SQL statements. There may be times when you just want the unified results of two
SELECT statements that don't interact with each other. In this situation, you can use the
UNION operator, which merges two SELECT statements to form a unified results set. You
can merge many SELECT statements together simply by placing the UNION between them
in a chain. Let's look at an example.
In Counting and Grouping Results , we queried the birds table to get a count of the num-
ber of birds in the Pelecanidae family (i.e., Pelicans). Suppose we want to also know how
many birds are in the Ardeidae family (i.e., Herons). That's easy to do: we'd use a copy of
the same SELECT , but change the value in the WHERE clause. Suppose further that we
want to merge the results of the SELECT statement counting Pelicans with the results of a
SELECT counting Herons. We'll do this with a UNION operator, so we can enter two com-
plete SELECT statements and unite them into one results set. Enter the following in the
mysql client:
SELECT 'Pelecanidae' AS 'Family',
COUNT(*) AS 'Species'
FROM birds, bird_families AS families
WHERE birds.family_id = families.family_id
AND families.scientific_name = 'Pelecanidae'
SELECT 'Ardeidae',
FROM birds, bird_families AS families
WHERE birds.family_id = families.family_id
AND families.scientific_name = 'Ardeidae';
| Family | Species |
| Pelecanidae | 10 |
| Ardeidae | 157 |
First notice that the column headings in the results is taken only from the first SELECT
statement. Next notice that for the first fields in both SELECT statements, we didn't refer-
ence a column. Instead, we gave plain text within quotes: 'Pelecanidae' and
'Ardeidae' . That's an acceptable choice in MySQL and MariaDB. It works well when
you want to fill a field with text like this. Notice that we gave field aliases for the columns
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