Database Reference
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The statement just shown would work fine, but we also need to delete the related entry in
the prize_winners table. So we should first get the human_id for this row before
deleting it. That's why I said we won't enter this SQL statement. It's tedious, though, to
execute one SQL statement to retrieve the human_id , then another to delete the row in
the humans table, and then execute a third SQL statement to delete the related row in the
prize_winners table. Instead, it would be better to change the DELETE statement to
include both tables, deleting the desired rows from both in one SQL statement. We'll cov-
er that in the next subsection.
Deleting in Multiple Tables
There are many situations where data in one table is dependent on data in another table. If
you use DELETE to delete a row in one table on which a row in another table is depend-
ent, you'll have orphaned data. You could execute another DELETE to remove that other
row, but it's usually better to delete rows in both tables in the same DELETE statement,
especially when there may be many rows of data to delete.
The syntax for the DELETE that deletes rows in multiple tables is:
DELETE FROM table [, table ]
USING table [, . . . ]
[WHERE condition ];
In the FROM clause, list the tables in a comma-separated list. The USING clausespecifies
how the tables are joined together (e.g., based on human_id ). The WHERE clauseis op-
tional. Like the UPDATE statement, because this syntax includes multiple tables, the
ORDER BY and LIMIT clauses are not permitted. This syntax can be tricky, but how
much so may not be evident from looking at the syntax. Let's look at an example.
In the example at the end of the previous subsection, we needed to delete rows from two
tables that are related. We want to delete the rows for Elena Bokova in which she has a ya- email address in both the humans and the prize_winners tables. To do that
efficiently, we'll enter this from the mysql client:
DELETE FROM humans , prize_winners
USING humans JOIN prize_winners
WHERE name_first = 'Elena'
AND name_last = 'Bokova'
AND email_address LIKE ''
AND humans . human_id = prize_winners . human_id ;
This DELETE statement is similar to other data manipulation statements (e.g., SELECT ,
UPDATE ). However, there is a difference in the syntax that may be unexpected and con-
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