Database Reference
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most always use a WHERE clause with an UPDATE statement to limit updates to rows
based on certain conditions. There are times when you might also want to limit updates to
a specific number of rows. To do this, use the LIMIT clause with the UPDATE statement.
This clause functions the same as in the SELECT statement, but its purpose is different
with UPDATE . Let's look at an example of how and why you might use the LIMIT clause
with the UPDATE statement.
Suppose that we decide to offer a small prize each month to two of the members of our
site to encourage people to join. Maybe we'll offer them the choice of a booklet with a list
of birds found in their area, a nice pen with the Rookery name on it, or a water bottle with
a bird image on it. Suppose also that we want a person to win only once, and we want to
make sure that everyone wins eventually. To keep track of the winners, let's create a table
to record who won and when, as well as what prize they were sent and when. We'll use
the CREATE TABLE statement like so:
CREATE TABLE prize_winners
human_id INT ,
winner_date DATE ,
prize_chosen VARCHAR ( 255 ),
prize_sent DATE );
In this statement, we created a table called prize_winners and gave it five columns:
the first ( winner_id ) is a standard identifier for each row; the second ( human_id ) is
to associate the rows in this table to the humans table; the third column ( win-
ner_date ) is to record the date that the winner was determined; the next
( prize_chosen ) is the prize the member chose ultimately; and the last column
( prize_sent ) is to record the date the prize was sent to the winner.
The IDs in this table may be a bit confusing. winner_id will be used to select items from this table,
such as the prize and the dates. human_id will be used to find data about the winner in the humans
table. You might think that there is no need for two IDs, as they both refer to the same person. But think
back to the ways we used IDs to link birds, bird families, and bird orders. Giving each table its own iden-
tifier is more robust.
We could have set the prize_chosen column to an enumerated list of the choices, but
the choices may change over time. We may eventually create another table containing a
list of the many prizes and replace this column with a column that contains a reference
number to a table listing prizes. For now, we'll use a large variable character column.
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