Database Reference
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The following exercises will help cement your understanding of the SELECT statement.
The act of typing SQL statements, especially ones that you will use often like SELECT ,
helps you to learn, memorize, and know them well.
1. Construct a SELECT statement to select the common names of birds from the
birds table. Use the LIKE operator to select only Pigeons from the table. Order
the table by the common_name column, but give it a field alias of Bird' . Don't
limit the results; let MySQL retrieve all of the rows that match. Execute the state-
ment on your server and look over the results.
Next, use the same SELECT statement, but add a LIMIT clause. Limit the results
to the first ten rows and execute it. Compare the results to the previous SELECT
statement to make sure the results show the 1st through 10th row. Then modify the
SELECT statement again to display the next 10 rows. Compare these results to the
results from the first SELECT statement to make sure you retrieved the 11th
through 20th row. If you didn't, find your mistake and correct it until you get it
2. In this exercise, you'll begin with a simple SELECT statement and then make it
more complicated. To start, construct a SELECT statement in which you select the
scientific_name and the brief_description from the bird_orders
table. Give the field for the scientific_name an alias of Order — and don't
forget to put quotes around it because it's a reserved word. Use an alias of Types of
Birds in Order for brief_description . Don't limit the results. When you
think that you have the SELECT statement constructed properly, execute it. If you
have errors, try to determine the problem and fix the statement until you get it
Construct another SELECT statement in which you retrieve data from the birds
table. Select the common_name and the scientific_name columns. Give
them field aliases: Common Name of Bird and Scientific Name of Bird . Exclude
rows in which the common_name column is blank. Order the data by the com-
mon_name column. Limit the results to 25 rows of data. Execute the statement
until it works without an error.
Merge the first and second SELECT statements together to form one SELECT
statement that retrieves the same four columns with the same alias from the same
two tables (this was covered in Combining Tables ). It involves giving more than
one table in the FROM clause and providing value pairs in the WHERE clause for
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