Database Reference
In-Depth Information
Type: varchar(255)
Collation: latin1_bin
Null: YES
Default: NULL
Privileges: select,insert,update,references
This shows information just on the common_name column. Notice that the Collation is
latin1_bin . Because of that, regular expressions using REGEXP are case sensitive
without having to add the BINARY option.
Looking through the birds table, we discover some common names for birds that con-
tain the words, “Hawk Owls,” without the hyphen in between. We didn't allow for that in
the expression we gave. We discover also that there are birds in which the word “Hawk”
is not in title case — so we can't count on looking for the uppercase letter, H . Our previ-
ous regular expression left those birds out of the results. So we'll have to change the ex-
pression and try a different method. Enter this on your server:
SELECT common_name AS 'Hawks'
FROM birds
WHERE common_name REGEXP '[[:space:]]Hawk|[[.hyphen.]]Hawk'
AND common_name NOT REGEXP 'Hawk-Owl|Hawk Owl'
ORDER BY family_id ;
This first, rather long REGEXP expressionuses a character class and a character name .
The format of character classes and character names is to put the type of character
between two sets of double brackets. A character class is given between a pair of colons
(e.g., [[:alpha:]] for alphabetic characters). A character name is given between two
dots (e.g., [[.hyphen.]] for a hyphen). Looking at the first expression, you can de-
duce that we want rows in which the common_name contains either “Hawk” or “-Hawk”
— that is to say, Hawk preceded by a space or a hyphen. This won't allow for Hawk pre-
ceded by a letter (e.g., Nighthawk ). The second expression excludes Hawk-Owl and Hawk
Owl .
Pattern matching in regular expressions in MySQL tends to be more verbose than they are
in other languages like Perl or PHP. But they do work for basic requirements. For elabor-
ate regular expressions, you'll have to use an API like the Perl DBI to process the data
outside of MySQL. Because that may be a performance hit, it's better to try to accomplish
such tasks withinMySQL using REGEXP .
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