Database Reference
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thing for the scientific name in the column list
( bird_families.scientific_name ). If we don't do that, MySQL would be con-
fused as to whether we want the scientific_name from the birds or the
bird_families table. This would generate an error like this:
ERROR 1052 (23000): Column 'scientific_name' in field list is
You may have noticed that another new item was addedto the SELECT statement: the AS
keyword. This specifies a substitute name, or alias , for the heading in the results set for
the column. Without the AS keyword for the column containing the family names, the
heading would say bird_families.scientific_name . That's not as attractive.
This is another style factor, but it can have more practical aspects that we'll see later. The
keyword AS can also be used to specify a table name like so:
SELECT common_name AS 'Bird' ,
families . scientific_name AS 'Family'
FROM birds , bird_families AS families
WHERE birds . family_id = families . family_id
AND order_id = 102
AND common_name != ''
ORDER BY common_name LIMIT 10 ;
In this example, we provided an alias for the bird_families table. We set it to the
shorter name families . Note that aliases for table names must not be in quotes.
After setting the alias, we must use it wherever we want to refer to the table. So we have
to change the column selected in the field list from
bird_families.scientific_name to families.scientific_name . We
also have to change the column name bird_families.family_id in the WHERE
clause to families.family_id . If we don't make this final change, we'll get the fol-
lowing error:
ERROR 1054 (42S22):
Unknown column 'bird_families.family_id' in 'where clause'
Let's add a third table to the previous SQL statement, to get the name of the order of birds
to which the birds belong. You can do that by entering this SQL statement on your server:
SELECT common_name AS 'Bird',
families.scientific_name AS 'Family',
orders.scientific_name AS 'Order'
FROM birds, bird_families AS families, bird_orders AS orders
WHERE birds.family_id = families.family_id
AND families.order_id = orders.order_id
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