Database Reference
In-Depth Information
| family_id | scientific_name | brief_description |
| 136 | Fregatidae | Frigatebirds |
| 137 | Sulidae | Boobies and Gannets |
| 138 | Phalacrocoracidae | Cormorants and Shags |
| 139 | Anhingidae | Anhingas |
| 145 | Cathartidae | New World Vultures |
| 146 | Sagittariidae | Secretary-bird |
| 147 | Pandionidae | Osprey |
| 148 | Otididae | Bustards |
| 149 | Mesitornithidae | Mesites |
| 150 | Rhynochetidae | Kagu |
| 151 | Eurypygidae | Sunbittern |
| 172 | Pteroclidae | Sandgrouse |
| 199 | Bucconidae | Puffbirds |
| 200 | Galbulidae | Jacamars |
| 207 | Cariamidae | Seriemas |
For some reason, the data didn't match the 15 rows in the bird_orders table. I had to
determine why these didn't match. Let's look at how I resolved a couple of them.
I looked up the name of the order to which the Osprey belongs and found that there are
two possible names: Accipitriformes and Falconiformes . Cornell used the Accipitriformes ,
whereas my bird_orders table has the Falconiformes (i.e., order_id 112). I'll use
that one and update the bird_families table:
UPDATE bird_families
SET order_id = 112
WHERE cornell_bird_order = 'Accipitriformes' ;
I could have used the family_id in the WHERE clause,but by doing what I did here, I
discovered two more bird families that are in the Accipitriformes order and updated all
three in one SQL statement. Digging some more, I found that four of these bird families
are part of a new order called Suliformes . So I added that order to the bird_orders
table and then updated the rows for those families in the bird_families table. This
method of clean-up is common when creating a database or when importing large
amounts of data from another database.
Next, I'll do some clean-up by dropping the extra column I added ( cor-
nell_bird_order ) to the bird_families table and the cor-
nell_birds_families_orders table:
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