Database Reference
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the index properly, you should not get an error about duplicate entries. When
you're done, execute the SELECT statement to see all of the values of the table.
4. Using the ALTER TABLE statement, change the name of the index you created
for birds_habitats in the previous exercise (this was covered near the end
of this chapter). The index is now called birds_habitats . Rename it to
bird_habitat .
5. Using the ALTER TABLE statement again, add three columns to the humans
table in the birdwatchers database. Use a single ALTER TABLE statement
to add all three of these columns. Add one column named country_id to con-
tain two-character codes representing the country where each member is located.
Add another column named membership_type with enumerated values of ba-
sic and premium . Add a third column named membership_expiration with
a data type of DATE so that we can track when the membership of premium mem-
bers will expire. These members will have special privileges on the site and dis-
counts for items that we sell related tobird-watching.
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