Database Reference
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ref: NULL
rows: 4
Extra: Using where
The EXPLAIN statement here analyzes the SELECT statement given, which is selecting
all of the columns in the humans table where the value for the name_last column
equals Hollar . What is of interest to us in the results is the possible_keys field and
the key field — a key is the column on which a table is indexed. However, the wordskey
andindexare fairly interchangeable. The possible_keys field would show the keys
that the SELECT statement could have used. In this case, there is no index related to the
name_last column. The key would list the index that the statement actually used.
Again, in this case there were none, so it shows a value of NULL. There are only four
names in this table, so an index would not make a noticeable difference in performance.
However, if this table might one day have thousands of names, an index will greatly im-
prove the performance of look-ups on people's names.
In addition to sometimes searching the humans table based on the member's last name,
suppose that users sometimes search based on the first name, and sometimes based on
both the first and last names. To prepare for those possibilities and to improve perform-
ance for a time when the table will have many records, let's create an index that combines
the two columns. To do this, we will usethe ALTER TABLE statement with the ADD
INDEX clause like so:
ALTER TABLE birdwatchers . humans
ADD INDEX human_names ( name_last , name_first );
Now let's run the SHOW CREATE TABLE statement to see how the index looks from
that perspective:
SHOW CREATE TABLE birdwatchers.humans \G
*************************** 1. row ***************************
Table: humans
Create Table: CREATE TABLE `humans` (
`human_id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
`formal_title` varchar(25) COLLATE latin1_bin DEFAULT NULL,
`name_first` varchar(25) COLLATE latin1_bin DEFAULT NULL,
`name_last` varchar(25) COLLATE latin1_bin DEFAULT NULL,
`email_address` varchar(255) COLLATE latin1_bin DEFAULT NULL,
PRIMARY KEY (`human_id`),
KEY `human_names` (`name_last`,`name_first`)
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