Database Reference
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do this, you would still use the CREATE TABLE statement, but with a slightly different
Let's suppose that we have decided that we want to create a new table for details about
each bird (e.g., migratory patterns, habitats, etc.). Looking at the birds table, though, we
decide that the description column and its data belong in this new table. So we'll cre-
ate a new table and copy that column's settings and data, as well as the bird_id into the
new table. We can do that by entering the following from mysql to get the table started:
CREATE TABLE birds_details
SELECT bird_id , description
FROM birds ;
This creates the birds_details table with two columns, based on the same columns
in the birds table. It also copies the data from the two columns in the birds table into
the birds_details table. There is one minor, but necessary, difference in one of the
columns in the new table. The difference has to do with AUTO_INCREMENT again, but
not in the same way as earlier examples. Enter the DESCRIBE statement to see the differ-
DESCRIBE birds_details;
| Field | Type | Null | Key | Default | Extra |
| bird_id | int(11) | NO | | 0 | |
| description | text | YES | | NULL | |
The difference here is that the bird_id does not use AUTO_INCREMENT . This is good
because we have to manually set the value of the bird_id for each row that we enter.
We won't have details for each bird, though, and we won't necessarily be entering them in
the same order as we will in the birds table. We could change the bird_id column in
this table to an AUTO_INCREMENT column, but that would cause problems — trying to
keep it in line with the birds table would be maddening. We could, however, make an
index for the bird_id column in the birds_details table by using the ALTER
TABLE statement and setting the column to a UNIQUE key. That would allow only one
entry per bird, which may be a good idea. This is covered in Indexes .
The CREATE TABLE...SELECT statementcreated the birds_details table with
only two columns. We said, though, that we want more columns for keeping other inform-
ation on birds. We'll add those additional columns later with the ALTER TABLE state-
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