Database Reference
In-Depth Information
Optional Changes
In addition to the most common uses for the ALTER TABLE statement (i.e., adding and re-
naming columns), you can use it to set some of the options of an existing table and its
columns. You can also use the ALTER TABLE statement to set the value of table variables,
as well as the default value of columns. This section covers how to change those settings
and values, as well as how to rename a table. Additionally, you can change indexes in a
table. That is covered in the section on Indexes .
Setting a Column's Default Value
You may havenoticed that the results of the DESCRIBE statements shown in earlier ex-
amples have a heading called Default . You may have also noticed that almost all of the
fields have a default value of NULL. This means that when the user does not enter a value
for the column, the value of NULL will be used. If you would like to specify a default
value for a column, though, you could have done so when creating the table. For an exist-
ing table, you can use the ALTER TABLE statement to specify a default value other than
NULL. This won't change the values of existing rows — not even ones that previously
used a default value. You would useeither the CHANGE clause or the ALTER clause. Let's
look at an example of using the CHANGE clause first.
Suppose that most of the birds that we will list in our database would have a value of
Lower Risk - Least Concern in the endangered column. Rather than enter Lower Risk -
Least Concern or its numeric equivalent in each INSERT statement (which inserts data in-
to a table), we could change the default value of the endangered column. Let's do that
and change the column from an ENUM to an INT data type to prepare for the creation of a
reference table for the conservation status of birds. Let's also make this a little more inter-
esting by creating the reference table and inserting all of the data we had enumerated in the
settings for the endangered . We'll start by entering the following in mysql to create the
reference table:
CREATE TABLE rookery . conservation_status
conservation_category CHAR ( 10 ),
conservation_state CHAR ( 25 ) );
We named the reference table conservation_status , which is a better description
than endangered . Notice that we split each status into two columns. A value like Lower
Risk - Least Concern was meant to indicate the state of Least Concern in the category
Lower Risk . So we created two columns for those values. We'll put Lower Risk in the
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