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11. Ludwig, S., Moallem, A.: Swarm Intelligence approaches for Grid load balancing. Journal
of Grid Computing 9(3), 279-301 (2011)
12. Malik, S., Huet, F., Caromel, D.: Latency based group discovery algorithm for network aware
Cloud scheduling. Future Generation Computer Systems 31, 28-39 (2014)
13. Mateos, C., Pacini, E., García Garino, C.: An ACO-inspired algorithm for minimizing
weighted flowtime in Cloud-based parameter sweep experiments. Advances in Engineering
Software 56, 38-50 (2013)
14. Mauch, V., Kunze, M., Hillenbrand, M.: High performance cloud computing. Future Gener-
ation Computer Systems 29(6), 1408-1416 (2013)
15. Moreno Vozmediano, R., Montero, R., Llorente, I.: IaaS Cloud architecture: FromvVirtual-
ized datacenters to federated Cloud infrastructures. IEEE Computer 45(12), 65-72 (2012)
16. Pacini, E., Mateos, C., García Garino, C.: Dynamic scheduling of scientific experiments on
Clouds using Ant Colony Optimization. In: Topping, B.H.V., Iványi, P. (eds.) Proceedings of
the Third International Conference on Parallel, Distributed, Grid and Cloud Computing for
Engineering, paper 33. Civil-Comp Press, Stirlingshire (2013)
17. Pacini, E., Mateos, C., García Garino, C.: Distributed job scheduling based on Swarm In-
telligence: A survey. Computers & Electrical Engineering 40(1), 252-269 (2014), 40th-year
commemorative issue
18. Pacini, E., Mateos, C., García Garino, C.: Multi-objective Swarm Intelligence schedulers for
online scientific Clouds. Computing. Special Issue on Cloud Computing, 1-28 (2014)
19. Somasundaram, T., Govindarajan, K.: CLOUDRB: A framework for scheduling and manag-
ing High-Performance Computing (HPC) applications in science Cloud. Future Generation
Computer Systems 34, 47-65 (2014)
20. Tordsson, J., Montero, R., Moreno Vozmediano, R., Llorente, I.: Cloud brokering mecha-
nisms for optimized placement of virtual machines across multiple providers. Future Gener-
ation Computer Systems 28(2), 358-367 (2012)
21. Woeginger, G.: Exact Algorithms for NP-Hard Problems: A Survey. In: Jünger, M., Reinelt,
G., Rinaldi, G. (eds.) Combinatorial Optimization - Eureka, You Shrink! LNCS, vol. 2570,
pp. 185-207. Springer, Heidelberg (2003)
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