Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
(off Rua dos Combatentes; meals Mtc160-280; lunch & dinner) This quiet establish-
ment is tucked into an unsignposted walled compound behind O Escondidinho. It serves
tasty grilled chicken, squid, shrimp and other local dishes.
BIM Offline map Google map (Avenida Amilcar Cabral) Has an ATM (Visa and Master-
Card), and changes cash (US dollars, euro and rand).
Immigration Office Offline map Google map Diagonally opposite Mooxeleliya, but visa ex-
tensions are handled only in Nampula.
Mcel Offline map Google map (per min Mtc1;
9.30am-6pm Mon-Fri) Internet access;
just down from the police station.
Telecomunicações de Moçambique Offline map Google map (per min Mtc1; 8am-8pm
Mon-Fri, 8am-1pm Sat) Internet access; near the Palace and Chapel of São Paulo.
Getting There & Away
There's an airstrip at Lumbo on the mainland for charter flights.
Bus & Chapa
Mozambique Island is joined by a 3.5km bridge (built in 1967) to the mainland. Most cha-
pas stop about 1km before the bridge in Lumbo, where you'll need to get into a smaller
pick-up to cross over Mossuril Bay, due to vehicle weight restrictions on the bridge.
Leaving Mozambique Island, all transport departs from the bridge.
Nampula The only direct cars to Nampula (Mtc140, three hours) are the tanzaniano
minibuses, with one or two departing daily between 3am and 5am. The best thing to do is
to ask at your hotel for help to get a message to the driver to collect you at your hotel pre-
dawn. For all later departures, you will need to change vehicles at Monapo and sometimes
also at Namialo. Chartering a vehicle from Nampula to Mozambique Island costs from
about Mtc3000 one way.
Pemba For travel direct to Pemba, take the 4am tanzaniano to the main junction in
Namialo (Mtc100, one hour). Large buses from Nampula start passing the Namialo junc-
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