Travel Reference
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(Fortaleza; Click here ; Praça 25 de Junho; 9am-5pm) The old fort was built by the
Portuguese in the mid-19th century near the site of an earlier fort. Inside is a garden and a
small museum with remnants from the era of early Portuguese forays to the area. The
sealed, carved wooden coffin of Ngungunhane - final ruler of the famed kingdom of Gaza
- is on display in one of the side rooms.
Fish Market
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(Mercado de Peixe; Click here ; from about 8am) The lively Fish Market, just off
Avenida Marginal, sells a good sample of what inhabits the nearby waters; choose what
you'd like and get it grilled at one of the small restaurants nearby. Afternoons are best.
Municipal Market
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(Mercado Municipal; Click here ; Avenida 25 de Setembro; from about 8am) With its
long rows of vendors, tables piled high with produce, fresh fish and colourful spices, and
stalls overflowing with everything from brooms to plastic buckets, the Municipal Market
is Maputo's main market and well worth a stroll through. Get there early, when everything
is still fresh, and before the crowds.
Praça da Independência
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This wide plaza is rimmed on one side by the white, spired Cathedral of Nossa Senhora
da Conceição Offline map Google map and on the other by the hulking, neoclassical City
Hall Offline map Google map (Conselho Municipal; Click here ) . Just off the square is the
Iron House Offline map Google map (Casa de Ferro; Click here ) , which was designed by
Eiffel in the late-19th century as the governor's residence, though its metal-plated exterior
proved unsuitable for tropical conditions.
Praça dos Heróis Moçambicanos
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