Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
Zambian Way of Life
Almost half of all Zambians live in urban centres, crowding into housing compounds,
where water shortages and overstretched sewage systems cause all sorts of health prob-
lems. Most unskilled city labourers work six to seven days per week, with their families
sometimes living on less than US$1 per day. Still, a small middle class and expats fre-
quent high-end shops and cinemas in Lusaka's malls and the music industry is thriving, in
part because ordinary Zambians can listen and share music on their Bluetooth mobile
phones. Meanwhile in rural Zambia, life hasn't changed much - subsistence farmers still
eke out a living at the whim of a crop's success or failure and traditional religions mixed
with Christian beliefs and village hierarchies are the mainstays of life. (Interestingly, the
production of Christian-themed music videos, usually with a chorus of 'church ladies,' is
a big business in Lusaka.)
The population of Zambia is made up of between 70 and 80 different ethnic groups (the fi-
nal count varies according to your definition of ethnicity, but the Zambian government of-
ficially recognises 73 groups). Despite these numbers there is considerable homogeneity
among the tribes of Zambia. This is partly due to a long history of people moving around
the country, settling new areas or looking for work, and also because after independence
president Kaunda fostered national unity, while still recognising the disparate languages
and cultures. Intermarriage among the officially recognised groups is also common, and
Zambia is justifiably proud of its relative lack of ethnic problems.
The vast majority (99%) of Zambians are indigenous Africans. The final 1% are Zam-
bian citizens of Indian or European origin (mostly involved in business, commerce, farm-
ing and the tourist industry). Many white and Asian families have lived here for genera-
tions - although race relations are still sometimes a little strained.
Around 75% of Zambians are Christians. The majority are members of one of the hun-
dreds of Protestant churches but in addition, there are Catholics and those who follow
homegrown Christian denominations, including large branches of the African Zion
churches. Many of these people also follow traditional animist belief systems. There is
also a significant Muslim population.
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