Hardware Reference
In-Depth Information
controller is also used in the Arduino Leonardo, and the
bootloader for the FLORA is similar.
Serial port /dev/tty.usbmodemfd1251 already in use. Try quitting
any programs that may be using it.
Even with this error, your program may have uploaded suc-
cessfully. Since the 32u4 microcontroller can show up like a
USB keyboard or mouse, the system may be “using” it in its
database of connected devices. If your program did not
upload successfully, try plugging your FLORA into a different
USB port, unplugging and replugging it into the same USB
port, and/or restarting your computer.
Usage Issues
If your FLORA works fine when connected to the computer over
USB but then doesn't boot up on battery power, make sure the
FLORA's power switch is set to ON. It's easy to overlook this
small component on the board, and it switches only battery
power, not USB.
If you connect too many NeoPixels to FLORA without adequate
power, they may power up initially, then slurp too much amper-
age to keep FLORA running. It will then reset and try again, in an
infinite nonfunctional loop. Try manipulating fewer NeoPixels at
a lower brightness in your code to see if that's the issue, or con-
nect a bigger battery. Your computer's USB ports can only
deliver so much current!
If your FLORA gets very hot, it's probably the voltage regulator
heating up because you have a short circuit between VBATT and
GND. Use a multimeter to ensure there is no continuity between
these two pads; if there is, you'll need to find where the short is
and repair it.
Frequently Asked Questions
Can I wash my FLORA project?
Yes! While some components shouldn't be submerged, it's
OK to get most circuits wet while they're off, so long as they
dry completely before powering back up.
“Washing Your Wearable Projects” on page 11 .
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