Agriculture Reference
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predictions of wheat development and the build-
ing of canopies by phytomers.
Angus, J.F., D.H. Mackenzie, R. Morton, and C.A. Schafer.
1981. Phasic development in fi eld crops: 2. Thermal and
photoperiodic responses of spring wheat. Field Crops Res.
Angus, J.F., and M.W. Moncur. 1977. Water stress and phe-
nology in wheat. Aust. J. Agric. Res. 28:177-181.
Arabidopsis Genome Initiative. 2000. Analysis of the genome
sequence of the fl owering plant Arabidopsis thaliana .
Nature 408:796-815.
Asseng, S., B.A. Keating, I.R.P. Fillery, P.J. Gregory, J.W.
Bowden, N.C. Turner, J.A. Palta, and D.G. Abrecht.
1998. Performance of the APSIM-wheat model in western
Australia. Field Crops Res. 57:163-179.
Baenziger, P.S., G.S. McMaster, W.W. Wilhelm, A. Weiss,
and C.J. Hays. 2004. Putting genes into genetic coeffi -
cients. Field Crops Res. 90:133-144.
Baker, C.K., and J.N. Gallagher. 1983a. The development of
winter wheat in the fi eld: 1. Relation between apical devel-
opment and plant morphology within and between seasons.
J. Agric. Sci. (Cambridge) 101:327-335.
Baker, C.K., and J.N. Gallagher. 1983b. The development of
winter wheat in the fi eld: 2. The control of primordium
initiation rate by temperature and photoperiod. J. Agric.
Sci. (Cambridge) 101:337-344.
Baker, J.T., P.J. Pinter, Jr., R.J. Reginato, and E.T.
Kanemasu. 1986. Effects of temperature on leaf appear-
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Baker, D.N., F.D. Whisler, W.J. Parton, E.L. Klepper,
C.V. Cole, W.O. Willis, D.E. Smika, A.L. Black, and A.
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Bauer, A., A.B. Frank, and A.L. Black. 1986. Estimation of
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Beales, J., A. Turner, S. Griffi ths, J. Snape, and D. Laurie.
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of intact shoot-root systems of fi eld-grown winter wheat:
A rich history of research has elucidated the
complex and interactive interplay among devel-
opment, phenology, and growth of individual
organs on different shoots of the wheat plant.
From this work has emerged the general pattern
of wheat development and how development
responds to the environment. Knowledge of
wheat development has increasingly been in-
corporated into improving wheat manage-
ment and breeding. Several challenges clearly
remain in furthering our knowledge of develop-
ment and applying it to improved wheat
Simulation models and DSS provide tools for
quantifying, synthesizing, and applying develop-
mental concepts to many diverse problems.
Increased emphasis on translating current and
newly gained knowledge of wheat development
into electronic forms should improve the cur-
rently limited availability of tools designed to
address specifi c problems. Adoption of these
technologies is currently quite low, and barriers
to adoption need to be addressed.
Continued development of simulation models
and DSS likely will further clarify gaps in our
knowledge of wheat development. In particular,
mechanisms controlling developmental processes
and addressing the ubiquitous genotype × envi-
ronment interaction will need much greater
emphasis to extend the robustness of digital anal-
ysis and modeling. Successful linkage of wheat
physiology and simulation models with breeding
has been hindered by the lack of developmental
detail in the models and of ways to address the
genotype interaction with the environment. The
challenges of incorporating knowledge of mecha-
nisms controlling wheat development gained
from molecular biology into physiology and simu-
lation models is a daunting problem, but one
worth pursuing.
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