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processes to crusty whole-wheat artisan hearth
bread made by long bulk-fermentation processes
(Moore 2004).
Flour used for most pan breads generally has
optimum fl our protein content between 10.5%
and 13%. For bread made from bulk-fermented
dough, optimum fl our protein content increases
to 12% or more, and optimum dough strength
generally increases with the length of the bulk-
fermentation stage (Cauvain and Young 2006).
For rapid straight-dough processes like the
Chorleywood or other no-time or mechanical
dough development (MDD) process, a relatively
strong dough with short mixing requirement
is advantageous. For example a dough that
requires higher work input for optimum dough
development than the 10-14 Wh kg −1 commonly
used will be undermixed with the attendant
quality defi cits in the fi nished bread product
(Wooding et al., 2000). (Note that work input is
roughly analogous to mix time at a constant
mix speed.)
The MDD process commonly employs oxi-
dants to speed dough development and may also
have relatively short or no bulk-fermentation
times, relying on the fi nal proof stage for the
development of the characteristic bread fl avors
that are supplied by the yeast. Pyler (1972) con-
tends that there are no detectable fl avor defi cien-
cies in pan bread made from MDD dough as a
result of higher levels of residual sugars, which
can subsequently participate in browning reac-
tions during baking. We contend otherwise. For
MDD and other rapid straight-dough processes,
fl our of slightly lower protein content than that
required for the equivalent bread made using a
bulk-fermentation straight-dough process can
often be specifi ed (Cauvain and Young 2007).
uses 60% of the total fl our; AACC 2000). Vari-
able proportions of the total water are used
depending on the desired consistency. After the
sponge has fermented it is combined with the
other ingredients and remixed to form the fi nal
dough. The process then continues in a roughly
parallel fashion to that used for straight-dough
The sponge has a profound effect on fl avor and
gluten development, with the benefi t of creating
a softer more extensible dough after the second
mixing (Cauvain and Young 2007). Claimed
advantages of sponge-and-dough processes are
greater fl exibility in processing, better product
uniformity, increased product volume, more
desirable internal structures, and softer bread tex-
tures (Pyler 1988; Kulp and Ponte 2000). Sponge-
and-dough processes can put more stress on a
dough, particularly during gluten development in
the sponge stage and when the sponge may need
to rise for up to four hours until it breaks or
decreases in volume (Pyler 1988). Bakers specify
fl our of at least 12% protein with equal or
greater dough strength than specifi ed for straight-
dough processes (Cauvain and Young 2007).
Although sponge-and-dough breads now make
up the majority of breads made in the United
States (Kulp and Ponte, 2000), preferments
with familiar names such as “biga” and “polish”
are also used in artisan baking (Figoni, 2004;
Moore, 2004).
High-volume bread types
High-volume breads encompass an astonishing
variety of shapes, sizes, crust colors, and crumb
structures and textures (Faridi and Faubion 1998;
Kulp and Ponte 2000; Moore 2004). The most
common high-volume breads are probably white
pan breads. The word “pan” simply indicates that
they are baked in pans, either with or without a
lid. White sandwich breads conform to the basic
pattern for baked leavened breads: a thin, dry
brown outer layer, or crust, and a soft interior, or
crumb, of proportionately large volume in com-
parison to the crust. The crumb is generally
lighter in color (creamy-white to white) and is
made up of a fi ne cellular structure (Cauvain and
Sponge and dough and other pre-ferment processes
Pre-ferment processes are two-step processes
that allow a portion of the fermentation to
occur before the fi nal dough is mixed. In sponge-
and-dough processes, highlighted here as the
archetype for pre-fermented systems, the fi rst-
stage sponge uses around one-half of the total
fl our in the formulation (AACC method 10-11
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