Agriculture Reference
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wheat trade, at the expense of US,
Australian, and Canadian exports.
AACC. 2000. Approved methods of the American Associa-
tion of Cereal Chemists. 10th ed. AACC Press, St. Paul,
USDA. 2006. Wheat situation and outlook yearbook, WHS-
2006s. USDA-ERS, Market and Trade Economics Divi-
sion [Online]. Available at http://usda.mannlib.cornell.
03-2006.pdf (verifi ed 14 April 2008).
World Agricultural Outlook Board. 2008. World agricultural
supply and demand estimates. WASDE-457, 9 April 2008.
USDA-ERS, FAS [Online]. Available at http://www. (verifi ed 14
April 2008).
Editor's Note: The wheat marketing system in
Australia has undergone rapid evolution subse-
quent to acceptance of this manuscript. As of
June 30, 2008, the single desk/export monopoly
held by the Australian Wheat Board was ended.
Through the end of 2008, 21 companies have met
eligibility requirements through application to
government regulator Wheat Exports Australia
and have been accredited to conduct export wheat
business from Australia. Accredited companies
include both Australian and multinational grain
exporters ( John Oades, pers. comm.).
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