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3. Large mapping populations were necessarily
constructed to decrease the number of can-
didate genes: two for VRN-1 , three for VRN-
2 , and only one for VRN-3 .
4. An orthologue of any fl owering time gene
(e.g., VRN-1 vs. AP1 , VRN-3 vs. FT ) or of
any genes containing a conserved domain of
known fl owering time genes (e.g., VRN-2 vs.
Constans ) in Arabidopsis (or other species)
should provide a good candidate for a target
5. Comparative maps with smaller genome size
[ Oryza sativa L., Sorghum bicolor (L.)
Moench, and currently Brachypodium dis-
tachyon ] provided much help in developing
molecular markers in wheat during chromo-
some walking, although evolutionary events
involved in deletion or insertion (in the
VRN-1 region), translocations (in the VRN-
2 region), and duplication and inversion (in
the VRN-3 region) among species were fre-
quently observed.
6. Variation in gene expression profi les could
be observed between differing alleles and
between plants before and after vernalization
7. Independent natural mutations present in a
large collection of germplasm, and their tight
association with the target phenotype, pro-
vided convincing evidence for identifi cation
of a target gene.
8. Using RNA interference is a powerful tech-
nique to validate candidate genes in trans-
genic wheat.
9. It was fortunate that VRN-2 was cloned
using the BAC library of DV92 that has a
recessive vrn-2 allele. The gene is still present
in the library, because DV92 has a point
mutation rather than a complete deletion,
which is common in the diploid wheat
PRR proteins are characterized by a pseudore-
ceiver domain and CCT domain of the protein.
Cloning of PPD-H1 has facilitated isolation of
orthologous PPD-1 genes in wheat. The PPD-
D1a allele that is insensitive to photoperiod and
confers early fl owering in SD or LD plants con-
tains a 2-kb deletion upstream from the coding
region of the wheat PRR gene on chromosome
2D; photoperiod insensitivity caused by PPD-B1
on chromosome 2B is due to a mutation outside
the sequenced region or to a closely linked gene
(Beales et al., 2007).
Three orthologues for Arabidopsis VIN3
(Vernalization-INsensitive 3)— TmVIL1 , TmVIL2 ,
and TmVIL3 —were isolated and mapped in the
centromeric regions of chromosomes 5, 6, and
1, respectively, in T. monococcum (Fu et al.,
2007). The VIN3 (Sung and Amasino 2004) and
VIN3 -Like-1 ( VIL1 ) (Sung and Amasino 2006)
genes were up-regulated by low temperature to
repress mitotically stable expression of FLC ( Flow-
ering Locus C ), a MADS-box gene repressing fl ow-
ering time (Michaels and Amasino 1999; Sheldon
et al., 1999). The TmVIL genes have similar gene
structure and transcription regulation to VIN3/
VIL , suggesting that TmVIL might have retained
similar function in this gene family (Fu et al.,
The TaVRT2 gene, or T. aestivum vegetative-
to-reproductive transition gene 2, is a MADS-
box gene that is regulated by vernalization and
photoperiod (Kane et al., 2005). The TaVRT2
gene exhibits an inverse pattern of expression
relative to TaVRT1 (i.e., VRN-1 or AP1 ) in hexa-
ploid wheat.
Concomitant transcriptional profi les of
fl owering time genes
When VRN-A m 2 was cloned , increased expres-
sion of VRN-A m 1 was found to be concomitant
with decreased expression of VRN-A m 2 (Yan
et al., 2004b; Loukoianov et al., 2005; Dubcovsky
et al., 2006). When VRN-3 was cloned, it was
observed to have a transcription profi le similar to
VRN-1 but opposite to VRN-2 . These relation-
ships in gene expression profi les confi rmed that
VRN-1 , VRN-2 , and VRN-3 act in the same ver-
Orthologues of other known fl owering
time genes
The barley PPD-H1 gene was recently cloned
and identifi ed as a member of the pseudoresponse
regulator ( PRR ) family (Turner et al., 2005). The
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