Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
Here's how you can do your part to keep the Semporna Archipelago healthy for future gen-
erations of fish and divers:
» Avoid touching or standing on coral. Even a strong flipper kick can irreparably damage a
» Practise neutral buoyancy. It's useful for all divers and keeps you off the coral.
» Keep your gear tight. Gauges, fins and other accessories can scrape the sea floor or coral.
» Observe animals - without trying to handle them. This goes double for sea turtles; trying
to handle them stresses them out and can be especially detrimental to egg-bearing females.
» Don't feed sea creatures. When you feed wildlife, it stops being wild.
» Ask your operators not to anchor on coral (this isn't much of an issue in Semporna,
where operators are conscientious, but it's good to be vigilant).
» Throw all rubbish, including cigarette butts, into a bag and take it with you when you
» If you wish, participate in local conservation efforts. Every now and then accommodation
owners in Mabul try to clean up rubbish in the local Malay and Bajau villages - visitors are
welcome to join in.
» Avoid eating the local marine life, especially shark fin soup at Chinese restaurants.
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