Travel Reference
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the local breeders, pet shops, or open markets, you'll quite likely find that it has problems,
becomes sick, and perhaps even dies within a week or two.
A more strongly recommended option is to adopt. There are various shelters and
rescue groups, such as Beijing Human and Animal Environmental Education Center
( ) , the Little Adoption Shop ( ), and
Beijing Cat ( ), which adopt or foster out pets. Not only are the pets often
already neutered and vaccinated, they're often free and almost always completely healthy.
the favorite pets of Beijing's elderly residents
Once you have a new dog, it's advised to educate both him or her and your family
about behavior. And don't forget about your ā yí. Unfortunately, awareness of dog behavior
and humane training methods is almost nonexistent in China. So if your ā is going to be
spending any time at all with your beloved pooch, then it's worth involving her in the pro-
gram as well. Doggy Thoughts runs group classes as well as private training in people's
homes, in either Chinese or English, and considers ā a crucial part of this process.
While it might feel like you have enough on your hands with just moving to China, when it
comes to animals, you must also be aware up front of what it takes to get them out again.
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