Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
China's rules and regulations for those moving to the country can feel complicated and are
liable to change at a moment's notice. Not only can it be difficult to bring in and take out
your own possessions, but managing your own residency can be tricky. Straightforward im-
migration is usually not an option for most people born outside of China, and living here
entails a regular process of renewals or extensions. The easiest path into Beijing is to have a
job already waiting for you. Many, however, arrive on simply a tourist visa, find work, then
change their visa over to one with more permanent status.
If you're going to be working with a China-based company that is experienced with em-
ploying expats, you'll find that all the hoops you need to jump through to settle in will be
cleared in no time. If you're doing it completely on your own, however, things can feel
complicated and bewildering. It's important to rally your patience, and to cross your t's and
dot your i's. If you can afford one, a good relocation service can help expedite the setup
procedures and eliminate the headaches.
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