Information Technology Reference
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Figure 4. Enterprise architecture
is represented by an individual (e.g. actor;
Behaviour: Represents the actions that
occur in the organisation by the individu-
als' usage. It is usually represented by a
verb (e.g. send);
Function : Represents a collection of par-
ticular characteristics and behaviours an
individual shows when carrying out ac-
tions (e.g. salesman, buyer).
table, consisted in inclusion of the CRUD table
in the representation of the model. This allows
an aligned vision of the enterprise strategy with
the business processes, the indicators, the or-
ganisational entities and the applications of the
information systems.
soLution Architecture
The contribution of this work proposed an ap-
proach composed by a method, a development
strategy (O- O-D-A LOOP ) and a set of participa-
tion principles of the collaborators in the method
(Figure 5).
The approach embraces some factors, which
are considered as differentiate factors to the con-
figuration or the application development under
the context of Enterprise Architecture, namely:
To be possible to chart all the applications a
table was used (CRUD table) in which the busi-
ness processes of the enterprise are crossed with
all the informational entities. In this operation
are described the actions (Read Create Update
and Delete) that each process uses on each en-
tity. This way it will be possible to identify the
characteristics of the applications (associated to
the group of processes) that may optimize better
the CRUD table.
The found solution to align the strategic
model represented in the Hochin Kanri matrix,
with the applications represented in the CRUD
Emphasizes the client needs, the organisa-
tion capacity and the application potential;
Promotes continuous development by in-
volving all organisation collaborators.
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