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Table 1. Entrepreneurial competencies that have to be developed, for the technical group (with engineer-
ing background, results from the open questions' answers)
Research or questionnaire
items that were analyze:
Entrepreneurial competencies required to be developed (training lines that were identify):
Drawing-up a business plan Business idea; Human capital; Market and competition; Marketing / Distribution; Opportunities and risks;
Business management; Economic and financial viability; Legal frame of the company
Technical study Production system; Production strategies; Distribution plant; Production and know-how; Operations plan:
logistics, quality; Prototyping; Outsourcing
Financial-economic study Indicators of business viability; Project scheduling; Economic quantification; Cash flows; Aids/Subven-
tions and support instruments
Companies creation simulation Case studies (companies creation)
Innovation management
Knowledge management; Basic concepts of innovation; Business strategy and technology strategy; Data
mining; Technology forecast; Technology alertness; Research and development, research classes, Research
and development steps; Tools for the innovation management
Project management
Planning tools and projects management; Teams organisation; Project culture; Short-term planning;
Objectives management; Cost engineering; Financial management; Human resources and PM; Security
management and health at work; Contracting system; Communication management; Control; Total quality
of the project; Simulator of projects management
Environment impact study
Basic concepts about sustainability; Models of sustainable growth; Business ethics; Planning of envi-
ronmental management; Environmental impact; Competition and sustainable development; Profit and
sustainable development; Control of the environmental management; Environmental policy of the EU;
Economic setting and business repercussions on the environment; Strategic approach of the sustainable
development; Case studies
Managerial skills
Leadership; Team management and motivation; Team working; Negotiations and conflict resolution; Change
management; Time management; Motivation techniques; Communication in the company; Emotional
intelligence; Strategic and operation planning
Communication skills
Communication skills; Networking; Business negotiation; Business ethics
that request and finance the training programs.
These objectives have risen from a vast analysis
developed upon 28 enterprises from the West
part of Romania, regarding the vocational train-
ing of their human resources, in the context of
our country's integration in the European Union.
The market survey has referred to the train-
ing needs of human resources with technical and
economical background, in order to acquire the
knowledge regarding the process of business op-
portunities creation and development and also, to
train them for the trials they will confront with
for business creation, to aware them on sustain-
able development implications, and to offer them
the necessary competencies. 155 subjects were
involved in the survey and they belong to two
target groups: 80 subjects were graduates, under-
graduates or undertaking master of science courses
with technical background - this was the technical
group; 75 subjects were graduates, undergraduates,
undertaking master of science courses or from
SMEs with economical background - this wasthe
economic group (Izvercianu, 2007), (Izvercianu
& Draghici, 2007).
Some relevant conclusions were elaborated re-
garding the entrepreneurial training development
need (). For our present and future research, the
conclusions regarding the technical group (with
engineering background) are briefly presented in
Table 1. The research has underlined the lack of
minimal entrepreneurial skills in the structure of
university curricula and the need for specific tools
development for the entrepreneurship competen-
cies/expertise development and/or evaluation.
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