Information Technology Reference
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Outsourcing depend on the organizations business
sector or on the Outsourcing level.
Bacon, C. J., & Fitzgerald, B. (2001). A systemic
framework for the field of information systems.
The Data Base for Advances in Information Sys-
tems , 32 (2), 46-67.
Bahli, B., & Rivard, S. (2003a). A Validation of
Measures Associated with the Risk Factors in
Information Technology Outsourcing. In Pro-
ceedings of the 36th Annual Hawaii International
Conference on System Sciences (Vol. 8, pp. 269).
Washington, DC: IEEE Computer Society.
The objective of this chapter was to determine
to what extent a common view about risks and
benefits associated to IS Outsourcing is shared
by the Portuguese market players - Service
Providers, Clients and Opinion Makers. In order
to accomplish this, an on-line Delphi study was
conducted, combined with the Q-sort technique,
which allowed to obtain each players perspective
on IS Outsourcing risks and benefits.
Comparing these perspectives it was possible
to understand that the market players do not share
the same view. Beyond the top risk and benefit
associated to Outsourcing the market players do
not agree on the other listed risks and benefits
ranking. They agree that the risk to fear most is
the existence of deficiencies on contract and that
the most important benefit is to focus on core
This study also contributed to the under-
standing of the risks and benefits associated to
IS Outsourcing and to obtain each player own
perspective on IS Outsourcing risks and benefits.
Bahli, B., & Rivard, S. (2003b). The information
technology outsourcing risk: a transaction cost
and agency theory-based perspective. Journal
of Information Technology , 18 (3), 211-221.
Bhattacharya, S., Behara, R. S., & Gundersen, D.
E. (2003). Business risk perspectives on informa-
tion systems outsourcing. International Journal
of Accounting Information Systems , 4 , 75-93.
Bradley, L., & Stewart, K. (2002). A Delphi study
of the drivers and inhibitors of Internet banking.
International Journal of Bank Marketing , 20 ,
250-260. doi:10.1108/02652320210446715
Brown, C. A. (2007). The Opt-in/Opt-out Feature in
a Multi-Stage Delphi Method Study. International
Journal of Social Research Methodology , 10 (2),
135-144. doi:10.1080/13645570701334084
Campos, M. (1998). Questões Chave da Gestão
de Sistemas de Informação: Avaliação da Situa-
ção Nacional. Unpublished Master dissertation,
Minho University, Portugal.
Accenture. (2006). Outsourcing Service. Re-
trieved July 2006, from
Amaral, L., Teixeira, C., & Oliveira, J. (2003).
e-Procurement: Uma reflexão sobre a situação
actual em Portugal . Caparica, Portugal: APDSI.
Capgemini. (2006). Outsourcing . Retrieved July
2006, from
Aubert, B. A., Patry, M., & Rivard, S. (2005). A
framework for information technology outsourc-
ing risk management. The Data Base for Advances
in Information Systems , 36 (4), 9-28.
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