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is important to consider them in the estimation
process as some potential generated outputs are
not neglected and, therefore, the client can be
elucidated about the potential of large scale ITIL
So, the benefits generated by a single process
are considerably less due to the fact that the positive
correlations between processes are not included
in the Monte Carlo simulation.
as well as the business goals' effectiveness. For
this reason, the estimation process incorporates
into its logic the investments' impact, plus the
tangible and intangible benefits quantification
as well as project's investment costs and, lastly,
the risk assessment of the investment which is
the ultimate outcome of the estimation process.
The estimation process was tested with data
retrieved from a project that consisted of imple-
menting the incidents management process in a
state organization. The main results were that
only a few KPIs have a great impact on the final
benefits quantification and the project's risk has a
great influence over the investment analysis and
the ROI Monte Carlo simulation.
Furthermore, a theoretical exercise was per-
formed so as to evaluate how the interconnections
between processes affect the overall project's ROI.
The results were revealing as the project's mean
ROI can be negative but, given the fact that those
processes are interconnected and interdependent,
the benefits are heightened, which ends up making
the investment more attractive.
estimation process re-factorization
Taking into account the results' evaluation that
is performed in the previous sub-sections, the
estimation process can be re-factorized by making
the following changes:
Due to the fact that multiple interactions
with the client must occur so as to improve
the benefits quantification logic, this sub-
process becomes cyclical.
In case of a large scale ITIL implementa-
tion, i.e. a project with multiple processes,
the dependencies between these should be
checked in order to correlate the processes
and this is the reason for placing a gateway
after the “select the number of trials” activ-
ity. In case of being a single-process ITIL
implementation, only the benefits of that
process and the project's investment costs
have to be correlated.
future Work
Being able to manage the IT function by using the
ITIL framework cannot be done without assessing
the value of ITIL implementations. Therefore, it
is critical for organizations that aspire to have a
state-of-the-art enterprise information systems to
continue studying this chapter's theme in order to
possess the necessary information when making
the go/no-go decision.
Knowing that ITIL processes depend on each
other, specifying the correlation coefficients
between two processes is a way to include those
dependencies into the estimation process, and
these correlation coefficients can be derived from
statistical analyses of past data or be suggested by
experts. In fact, those correlations can be defined
by comparing two experimental data sets, which
are derived from the level of dependency that exist
The value of ITIL is a much discussed subject
these days as reducing IT costs, increasing IT
performance and, at the same time, improving
business performance through IT-business align-
ment are vital for any organization.
The related work provided enough insight
to create an estimation process for assessing the
value of ITIL implementations. An important acu-
men to be added is that ITIL investments impact
dramatically the business processes' efficiency
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