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Figure 1. Resulting framework for contact center's information systems project management
other relevant aspects. Through this process, the
different categories began to emerge.
Several memos and diagrams were built along
the analysis based either on the verbatim descrip-
tions either on the notes registered during the focus
group. Memos and diagrams help put on paper
the preliminary products of the iterative analysis
(Fortin, 1999).
With the research questions and the data col-
lection and analysis techniques used, it is time to
present the results achieved.
A contact center project must be aligned and
included in the strategy of the organization. Busi-
ness sector, geography environment and users'
needs influence strategy definition. Many orga-
nizations decide to implement a contact center to
improve their performance and competitiveness.
Others, having already a contact center, decide
to create or reformulate services provided by the
center. Any of the previous situations has a CCIS
project associated.
Each project may affect several or all contact
centers' actors. Any affected actor is a participant
in the project.
A CCIS project can consider several or all fac-
tors presented, depending on the requisites. Other
factors may also be considered. The importance
of each factor in a specific project may also vary
and that must be decided by the project team.
reVieWed frAMeWork
This section presents the results of the research.
Figure 1 shows the identified factors and their
relationship. Following we discuss the rationale
of the framework.
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