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to achieve the same functionality. More important
than the invocation is its specific execution mes-
sages order or process heterogeneity problem: the
activation of the user cannot be achieved before
the creation of this user.
By extending the concept of SOA with se-
mantics, a formal description of the Web Service
functionality will be provided to make it under-
standable by all the involved entities (humans
and machines) and solutions for the problems
discussed above are proposed.
guages aim at providing descriptors for the
execution of services.
semantic soA Virtues
After the previous discussion about the problems
of the SOA-based solutions, applying semantics
on those solutions can overcome difficulties at
both discovery and invocation phases.
As defined in the SOA concept, the main
components in SOA architecture are service
provider, registry and consumer. By extending
existing SOA-based solutions with semantics,
semantic SOA-based model will be provided,
and this model will support the use of Semantic
Web Services. In order to add semantics to these
components' interactions, semantic descriptions
will be added by the service providers to the Web
Services they provide in order to be advertised
then in the service registry. In addition, the con-
sumer will send its request in form of a semantic
goal by using the support of ontologies in order
to describe the desired functionality. In this way,
our proposed architecture will deal with semantic
goals and matchmaking processes will be done
with the available Web Services' capabilities in the
registry in order to give the most related results
back to the consumer and these results are based
on the consumer needs by describing them as
semantic goals. More details about these issues
will be described later in the specifications of our
proposed model with clear definition about the
functionality provided by each component in it.
By extending FERP approach with semantics,
we will provide a formal description of the Web
Service functionality allowing the developers to
make the manual integration, if necessary at all,
on this knowledge about the meaning of the data
(Mahmoud & Marx Gómez, 2008b).
Semantic-enriched FERP approach is actually
the concept that supports the use of Semantic Web
Services, and one of its duties is to overcome Web
resources heterogeneity problems, since in such
digital environment there is a need to deal with
semantic Web services
In the world of SOA, there is a dependency on
standardized Web Services. By extending this
concept with semantics, Semantic Web Services
are proposed and presented. The most important
tasks these semantic services have to accomplish
are (OWL-S, 2004):
Automatic Service Discovery: The ontol-
ogy-enhanced searching schema is used to
locate a particular WS that adheres to re-
quested constraints;
Automatic Service Invocation: Semantic
WS description interface languages pro-
vide a set of declarative, computer inter-
pretable APIs that are necessary for auto-
mated Web Service execution. A software
agent is able to interpret the mark-up to
understand what input is needed, what in-
formation will be returned, and how to ex-
ecute the service automatically;
Automatic Service Composition and
Interoperation: Semantic WS description
interface languages provide declarative
specifications of the prerequisites and con-
sequences of individual service. A soft-
ware agent can select and compose mul-
tiple Web Services to achieve a given task
Automatic Service Execution Monitoring:
Semantic WS description interface lan-
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