Information Technology Reference
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Chapter 21
INOVA Framework:
A Case Study of the Use of Web
Technologies for the Integration of
Consulting Techniques and Procedures
L. Borrajo-EnrĂ­quez
University of Santiago de Compostela, Spain
P. Saco
University of Santiago de Compostela, Spain
Jose M. Cotos
University of Santiago de Compostela, Spain
Alberto Casal
INOVA, Spain
Christian Larsson
INOVA, Spain
Nowadays, the WWW is playing a vital role in the business world. Most enterprises are becoming digital.
Content management systems provide an effective method to improve the development of web applica-
tions and make the maintainer's job easier. The purpose of this work is to study the benefits that the
use of web technologies can suppose for a SME company when they are applied to integrate their work
techniques and procedures. The authors have also tried to use it to provide their customers with several
services, and to make easier the company expansion process. The framework developed includes a se-
curity system for the access to the contents based on the RBAC model. The use of the INOVA framework
has provided a benefit as much for INOVA itself, as for its customers, by including in a centralized way
document resources and toolkits that can be accessed remotely.
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