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yielded significant explanation of the variability
of the dependent variable and they were results
demonstrability and ease of use.
One of the limitations of this research, which
makes its generalizability limited, is the usage of
two separate samples. This research utilized two
different samples, and to relate the real usage of
PIS to the adoption rate, the same sample would
have been used. Still the inferred results of this
work are valid, but researchers are encouraged
to use one sample and extend the size to im-
prove the statistical generalizability. The second
limitation of this study is the instrument used;
this study used a translated instrument from the
original one used in Moore and Benbasat (1991)
in English, and thus researchers are encouraged
to use the instrument in Arabic to improve the
language and improve content and face validity
of the instrument. Finally, research related to PIS
and the factors influencing the adoption of such
systems is not highly popular, which resulted in
high competition between variables. The IDT
needs a larger sample or dropping some of the
variables based on conceptual bases. When ex-
ploring systems like ERP or PIS systems, as they
are considered complicated and comprehensive
systems, one needs to keep relative advantage
and ease of use for sure, but further exploration
needs to be done to try to deduct the scale size
and improve predictability of the model.
Benbasat (1991), where the adoption rate is in-
vestigated with time and also, a better conceptual
perspective is reached through the reduction of
variable. One idea is to compare other models
predictability with the IDT like the Technology
Acceptance Model (TAM), the theory of Reasoned
Action (TRA), the Theory of Planned Behavior
(TPB) and its extension the Decomposed Theory
of Planned Behavior (DTPB).
As we now know the situation of PIS usability
in industrial zones, would that knowledge facilitate
better research in other environments like local
industrial areas and other major factories in Jor-
dan? Also, would it result in a different conclusion
if we explored other types of systems? Finally,
results indicated a weakness in utilizing computer
aided design systems, future research can explore
the reasons behind such phenomenon and would
that be related to the industrial development of
the sector in general or because of this global
partnership with local factories specifically in
the industrial zone.
Agarwal, R. (2000). Individual acceptance of
information technologies . In Zmud, R. (Ed.),
Framing the domains of IT management (pp.
85-104). Cincinnati, OH: Pinnaflex Education
Resources, Inc.
Agarwal, R., & Prasad, J. (1998). A conceptual
and operational definition of personal innovative-
ness in the domain of information technology.
Information Systems Research , 9 (2), 204-215.
future reseArch directions
This research is needed in this area and considered
a first step in validating the instrument and test-
ing factors influencing the rate of adoption. It is
highly important to continue such research using
longitudinal settings to explore the adoption and
check the validity of results.
Future research is needed to validate the
instrument and apply it to more settings and
environments. Another direction that is needed
is the multi-stage process applied by Moore and
Brancheau, J. C., & Wetherbe, J. C. (1990). The
adoption of spreadsheet software: testing innova-
tion diffusion theory in the context of end-user
computing. Information Systems Research , 1 (2),
115-143. doi:10.1287/isre.1.2.115
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