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Figure 5. Level of responses by different industries
E. Characteristics dealing with the final external
user satisfaction
1. Is there any mechanism in the firm that
allows taking information from final
external user's satisfaction?
2. Is the final user satisfied with the new
3. Is the firm using any tool to incorporate
the feedback received from the final
external user into the system?
in five different industries: services to firms
(22%), production (12%), tourism (34%), edu-
cation (8%), financial and insurance services
(24%). A 36,6% of firms are older than 15 years,
and a 54,3% are small and medium size firms.
the resuLts
Now we show the percentages of the perceptions
that we have collected from the answers received.
If we compare the obtained responses with the
different critical success factors mainly stressed
in the literature review (we must remember that
Fui-Hoon et al. (2003) and Finney and Corbett
(2007) make a complete revision of the authors
offering publications in journals of reference),
we see that there is a clear fit between what the
theory explains to us and what in reality the firms
realities show.
According to the answers we have obtained
from firms up to know, we can admit that they
consider as most important critical success factors
affecting ERP implementations the following ones.
According to the answers we have obtained
from firms up to know, we can admit that they
consider as less important critical success factors
affecting ERP implementations the following ones.
A questionnaire was elaborated for the firms.
It was offered via the web page of the Social
Science Faculty, by previously informing to the
interested firms via email in the period from May
15 th till July 15 th , 2008.
As we have just presented, most of the ques-
tions we have applied concerning to this analysis,
have been suggested by the literature review in
some cases, and in others, they have been obtained
directly from firms that have directly experienced
an ERP implementation in the last 10 years
The greatest part of the questions are waiting
for a response in the typical 1 to 5 Likert scale
with degrees ranking from 5 “completely agree”
to 1 “completely disagree”, and yes/no responses.
The SPSS software has been used for the statistical
analysis of the obtained data.
We have received a 32% of final responses
from the chosen sample. The firms are localized
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