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The Existence of Managerial Support
and more specifically, about the determination
of the factors that contribute to the success in
the implementation, best known as critical suc-
cess factors (Summer, 1999, Umble et al, 2003,
Fui-Hoon et al., 2003, Finney and Corbett, 2007).
In this chapter we ask firms about their per-
ceptions and the final results they achieve as a
consequence of the ERP implementation processes
occurred in the last 10 years. For that we apply the
model of critical success factors we have designed
(De Pablos and De Pablos, 2008) based in the
analysis of five main groups of variables affect-
ing to the final results in ERP implementations.
Finney and Corbett (2007) stresses in their study
how this aspect is one of the most cited in the
literature review. Besides in our recent interview
with consultants specialised in ERP implementa-
tion in the Spanish market this aspect is highly
stressed as one of the most important CSFs.
Top management support in ERP implementa-
tions offer two main aspects,
It provides leadership
It provides de necessary resources to suc-
cessfully implementing an ERP system,
firms need spend time with people and pro-
vide them with the needed resources. The
implementation could fail in case that the
critical resources are not available when
1. The decision-making policy of the firm in
the ERP selection, implementation and use
2. The training characteristics of the people
involved in the ERP implementation and
final use
3. The organisational inertia in the firm
4. The final internal user satisfaction
5. The final external user satisfaction
For achieving success in a project of ERP
implementation it is important to involve the
managers in the organisation. Managers must
involve to the rest of the people in the organisation
in the collaboration and support with the project.
For that reason, periodical committees headed
by the main managers in the firm must be held.
The organisation must be kept informed about the
evolution of the project and about the problems
criticAL success fActors
Affecting to the finAL resuLts
in erp iMpLeMentAtions
the decision-Making policy of
the firm in the erp selection,
implementation and use
The Existence of Clear Procedures
Established For the Required
Re-Engineering Of Business
Processes in the Firm
We include as the main variables explaining this
factor the decision-making policy of the firm in
the ERP selection, implementation and use, the
existence of managerial support, the existence
of clear procedures established for the required
reengineering of business processes in the firm, the
effectiveness of the project management and the
existence of a wide commitment in the different
stakeholders taking part in the implementation
process (vendor support, external services, etc.)
It has mainly to do with managing the cultural
change, identified by Al-Mashari et al. (2003),
Fui-Hoon et al (2003) and Finney and Corbett
Implementing ERP systems requires the re-
design of the existent business processes. Many
times the ERP implementations fail because some
firms underestimate the extent to which they have
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