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Chapter 16
An Exploratory Analysis
for ERPS Value Creation
Carmen De Pablos Heredero
Rey Juan Carlos University, Spain
Monica De Pablos Heredero
In Situ Group and Rey Juan Carlos University, Spain
A great number of firms worldwide have invested a lot in the application of ERP systems to modify their
business model and be able to offer better processes. When firms implement ERP systems they try to
integrate and optimize their processes in what they consider their key areas. The present chapter tries to
offer a view centered on the main reasons why Spanish firms have implemented ERP systems in the last
ten years and what have been their main critical success factors and their main failure factors too. For
that, the authors apply a model that they have previously developed based in 5 main groups of variables.
The authors ask firms about their perceptions and final results provided by the variables affecting their
change processes in the ERP implementation. The authors try to offer a realistic view of what has been
taking place in the Spanish market.
Akkermans and Van Helden (2002:35) recog-
nise that the ERP implementation demands a great
effort and compromise from all the organisational
levels. The problems that the firms face when try-
ing a successful implementation have long been
explained in the literature review (Holland and
Light, 1999, Rosario, 2000, Esteves and Pastor,
2001, Wang et al., 2008).
Trying to find solutions to the problems that
due to the implementation of ERP systems can
appear, different academics and consultants have
done research on the process of implementation
Firms have great invested in ERP systems in the
last fifteen years (Wang et al., 2008).
Summer (1999) admits that ERP systems can
provide lots of benefits in firms. They allow, for
example to compete in a global context, to reduce
the warehousing material and the costs of produc-
tion and the increase in the level of service offered
to the customer (Ang et al., 2002).
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